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    The Round 2 of Enlightened Awaken Class!/第2弹神觉醒职业!

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    We will add "The Round 2 of Enlightened Awaken Class" at the maintenance on February 26, 2020!

    What is Enlightened Awaken Class?Enlightened Awaken Classes are new Class that inherits two specific Awaken Classes' powers.
    You can learn "Enlightened Awaken Skills" by enhancing 2 Awaken Class' skills that have job-mastered for Enlightened Awaken Class!

    Introduce you the 2nd Enlightened Awaken Class with powerful Enlightened Awaken Skills!Warrior typeAegis, Steel guardian to protect all types of attacks.

    [Awaken Class necessary to be Job-master]
    >>Fast Blood

    Enlightened Awaken Class' skills”Guardian Field”
    Summons light and dark shield, and opens a field to protect the allies.

    Magician typeDisaster, who can control nature and cause catastrophe.

    [Awaken Class necessary to be Job-master]
    >>Storm Mage
    >>Force Planet

    Enlightened Awaken Class' skills”Super Cell”
    Cause a catastrophe and turned the surrounding area in to wilderness.

    Ranger typeAccelarator, Sniping specialist who can use various guns.

    [Awaken Class necessary to be Job-master]

    Enlightened Awaken Class' skills”Beam Rifle”
    Snipes forward with beam rifle with both hands.

    Acolyte typeCardinal, Agent of divine punishment to hammer down the evil.

    [Awaken Class necessary to be Job-master]

    Enlightened Awaken Class' skills”Saint Smash”
    Strikes violent attack physically, all at once [Element: None]

    Rogue typeDestroyer, Wear lightening and fool the enemy with fast movement.

    [Awaken Class necessary to be Job-master]
    >>Mad Killer

    Enlightened Awaken Class' skills”Massacre”
    Slashes surroundings with weapon of thunder.

    Creator typeMetal Worker, Engineer with specialty of using arms.

    [Awaken Class necessary to be Job-master]
    >>Cosmo Shaper

    Enlightened Awaken Class' skills”Weapon Rush”
    Throws weapon forward multiple times with additional input.\nIn additional input, you can change direction by using the one attack by the large hammer.

    Wanderer typeSiren, Seduces people with beautiful song.

    [Awaken Class necessary to be Job-master]

    Enlightened Awaken Class' skills”Lunatic Song”
    Enhance the allies and adds abnormal status to enemies with beautiful singing voice.

    Revenger typePuppet, Crazy jester who can control themselves as puppets.

    [Awaken Class necessary to be Job-master]
    >>Revenant Pool

    Enlightened Awaken Class' skills”Death March”
    Randomly attacks the surroundings by make the grim reaper control the body.

    Summoner typeOlympos, Summonner to call the darkness on to the world.

    [Awaken Class necessary to be Job-master]
    >>Void Crusher
    >>Artle Rex

    Enlightened Awaken Class' skills”Armageddon”
    Break the dark crystals with the sword and cause mass explosion.

    How to change class to Enlightened Awaken ClassYou will need to fulfill the following two conditions in order to change class.

    >>> Conditions to change to Enlightened Awaken Class
    - Character's levels are over 300.
    - 2 specified Awaken Class are job-mastered.

    With above conditions met, you can change class by talking to "Class Change Helen" in the bases.
    About Enlightened Awaken Class' skills>>Enlightened Class can only use skills when equipped with certain weapons.
    ・Weapons that can use the skills that Enlightened Class learns.
    Enlightened Awaken Class Weapons
    Aegis Blunt Weapon, One Hand Spear
    *There will be a special skill to activate when equipping "Shield."
    Disaster One Hand Rod, Two Hand Rod
    Accelarator Trigger, Rifle
    Cardinald Knuckle
    Destroyer Dagger
    Metal Worker Blunt weapon (Only some), Axe
    Siren One Hand Spear, One Hand Rod
    Puppet Trigger, Knuckle
    Olympos Magi

    >>You cannot use the following skills for Enlightened Awaken Classes
    - Basic/Advanced/Awaken Class Skills
    - RE Skills
    - Master Skills
    *The following skills will be exceptional.
    - Dash
    - Armor Change
    - First Aid
    - Planning
    - Attack
    - Jump
    - Evade
    - Skill Boost
    - Mounts

    >>You will need to use two of Awaken Class' EX skills for changing class to Enlightened Awaken Class.

    >>The Jexp starts from "0" for Enlightened Awaken Class.

    Let's try out the ultimate powers of Enlightened Awaken Class!

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team


    感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔战纪 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持


    了解第1弹神觉醒职业与强大的神觉醒职业技能!勇士系可以防御各种攻击,铁壁般的守护神 埃癸斯

    暗夜之光 + 第一滴血
    召唤光与暗之盾,展开守护己方的领域 无法在大厅使用

    魔法师系操纵大自然,可引发自然灾害的魔导师 灾祸天师

    暴风魔师 + 四元星使

    游侠系擅长使用各种枪械的狙击专家 快狙手

    双枪猎手 + 爆破专家

    祭司系向罪恶者降下铁槌,代行神罚之人 枢机主教

    强击飞腿 + 修罗


    盗贼系身缠雷光,以迅敏的速度玩弄敌人 毁灭者

    雷暴武士 + 异狂杀手


    创造者系擅长使用武具的工程师 金工专家

    宇宙雕塑家 + 双刃斧手

    流浪者系拥有蛊惑人心的美妙歌喉 海妖

    神笔画师 + 宫廷乐师

    复仇者系将自身变为提线人偶的疯狂小丑 悬丝傀儡

    幽鬼王 + 恐怖房东

    召唤师系将魔界召唤於世的黑暗召唤师 奥林帕斯

    虚空碎裂者 + 黑魔王




    神覺醒職 技能的武器
    埃癸斯 钝器, 单手枪 
    ※ 设有装备「盾」时才发动的专用技能
    灾祸天师 双手杖, 单手杖
    快狙手 手枪, 两手枪
    枢机主教 指套
    毁灭者 短剑
    金工专家 钝器(仅限部分), 斧
    海妖 单手枪, 单手杖
    悬丝傀儡 手槍, 指套
    奥林帕斯 魔具




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    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
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