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    [2/27 11:30 Edit Regarding Compensation]Issue of some Pack to win "Slot Releases,"/【2/27 补偿详情追记】扭轉異常現象
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
    [2/27 11:30Edit]

    We have completed the above compensation on February 27, 2020, 09:00(GMT), and reopened the sales of target packs.
    We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused.
    [Notices for scheduled compensation]

    We confirmed an issue of some Pack to win "Slot Releases," has been dropping different items according to the number of spins from 2/26 7:00(GMT) to 2/26 11:00(GMT).

    ■Details of issue
    ・Products of lower rank than the original, were dropped as "winning" products of minimum guarantee according to the number of spins.
    *"Big Jackpot" products are dropped and chosen normally.

    ■Details of compensation
    ・We will compensate for the lower limit products that are originally dropped with a minimum guarantee for each spin.

    When you use "[For Paid Only/Bonus Stage] Slot Release"
    Last purchased amount Details for compensation
    2x Slot Release340 x1
    3x Slot Release360 x1
    4x Slot Release380 x1
    5x Slot Release400 x1

    ■ Target Users
    Users who have purchased below Packs until suspending the sale from 2/26 7:00(GMT) to 2/26 11:00(GMT).
      -[For Paid Only/Bonus Stage] Slot Release

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
     感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔战纪 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持。
    【2/27 补偿详情追记】


    本可抽中「鑲嵌開放器」的部分扭蛋,發生了扭轉特定次數後獲得的商品不同於預期的異常現象。(2/26 15:00 - 2/26 19:00)

    ■ 异常详情
    ・ 根据回转次数,最低保证的「中奖」商品低于预期等级
    ※ 「中大奖」的商品并无异常

    ■ 补偿详情
    ・ 补偿:本应根据每次回转次数出现的最低保证下限商品

    最终购买的回转次数 补偿内容
    2次回转 镶嵌开放器340 x1
    3次回转 镶嵌开放器360 x1
    4次回转 镶嵌开放器380 x1
    5次回转 镶嵌开放器400 x1

    ■ 补偿对象
    2月26日(三) 15:00 ~ 2月26日(三) 19:00为止,于贩卖中止前购买以下扭蛋的玩家

    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上
    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上