เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    6/3:版本更新情報/Update Information
    Regular maintenance ended on 6/3 14:02
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    We have updated to details below from maintenance on 6/3
    We will conduct Regular maintenance for the below dates.

    Conducting date
    JST:2020/6/3 14:00

    *Please note that you will not be able to login to the game during maintenance.
    *Please note in advance there may round time.
    *We will inform you with more details regarding completing the maintenance.

    Correspondence Details
    Update Information Details
    Adjusting Challenge Dungeons ■We will be adjusting the positions of the monsters
    ■We have changed to moving to the reward room after the time limit.
    Adjusting Monster Skills We will be deleting the buff skills that monsters use after certain time
    Adjusting Transferrer's Battle-P limit  
    Changed some item names Deleted "R" from the end of item name
    We will be changing "Human Type" to be effective only to player We will be changing the "Human Type" monsters to different type
    we will be changing uniformly some evolving materials according to rarity.  
    We have adjusted the skills  
    Opening Events Details
    Challenge Rush
    ∟All of Challenge Dungeon will be covered
    ■Changed used DP to 100
    ■Doubled the amount of monsters more than double
    ■Adjusting some monsters' status
    ■Adjusted the time limit
    ■Adjusted necessary Battle-P
      Opening Events

    Issues to be fixed Details
    Improved some issue of unable to use the items at Guild Farm's Field and Fishing Area We will further continue with the improvement
    Unable to open Pet Breeding BOX  
    Advanced item in the Shop Box which was planned to change wasn't changed and not shown  
    There may be times fail to create HP Recovery and SP Recovery We will be changing the created items to be L and XL
    Completed Details
    LongRain ~JST:2020/6/3 13:59
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    定期維護已於 6/3 14:02結束

    版本更新情報 詳情
    变更部分道具名称 删除道具末尾的「R」
    种族的「人型」变更为仅针对人生效 怪物设定的「人型」将变更为其他种族
    调整降临迷宫 ■调整怪物配置
    调整挑战迷宫 删除:怪物经过一定时间后使用的辅助技能
    開辦活動情報 詳情

    應對異常現象 詳情
    改善部分公会农场的农田与钓鱼场中,无法获得道具的问题 今后将继续修正
    有时无法成功制作HP回复药、SP回复药 制作道具变更为仅限大・特大
    修正完畢 詳情
    LongRain ~GMT:2020/6/3 4:59

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