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    6/24:版本更新情報/Update Information
    Regular maintenance ended on 6/24 15:55
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    We have updated to details below from maintenance on 6/24
    We will conduct Regular maintenance for the below dates.

    Conducting date
    JST:2020/6/24 14:00~16:00

    *Please note that you will not be able to login to the game during maintenance.
    *Please note in advance there may round time.
    *We will inform you with more details regarding completing the maintenance.

    Correspondence Details
    Shop Updates Details
    EXPs, JEXPs, and increasing drop rates for each monthly courses and fully subscribed bonus, wil be raised up total to 500%, for limited-time-only
    ∟From after maintenance on 2020/6/24
    *We will notify as soon as completing date has been decided
    ■Each Courses
    ■Full Subscribed Bonus
    We will relax the number of participants in Private Rush from 6 to 10  
    We will be changing to own each "Mevius ◯◯ stars of ◯◯◯" by overlapping  
    None Element Armor is added to Astra Armor Pack's line-up  
    Update Information Details
    Changes in versions for learning Skills
    *We will be distributing "Drill Books available to use until maintenance on 7/1" x5, after the maintenance, due to scheduled adjustments of each skill.
    ■We will be removing Skill Branch for Basic Class, Advanced Class
    ■RE Skills, and Master Skills will be removed
    ■Skill Level will be changed from 10 to 5
    *Power, necessary JEXP was before Lv10 = new version will be Lv5
    *The upper cap of attack skill power will be fixed for Basic Class, Advanced Class
    ■We will be changing to the above Skill versions when logging in
    We will be changing the effects of Pets and Pet Case ■Pet's special effect, massive attack and resistance effect will be removed and changed to raising status
    ■Due to the changes, we will be adjusting the status
    *Collab Pet is not included
    ■Crystallized Pet's status in Pet Case will be added to Player 1/10.
    We will be adjusting the Pets, due to changes in specification of Pet Case ■Fixed the upper cap of rarity for some Pets
    ■Unlocks Pet's level until 100 (excluding Eggs), and adjusts necessary EXPs
    ・With the adjustments of EXPs, the level of Pets owned with EXP 1 or more, during maintenance will be +1.
    ■We will be adjusting the Food items to the current value due to the changes in EXP values.
    ・Decrease receiving EXP: 13 stars and below of Rune Arms, 10 stars of Astra Arms, each Expansion Book items
    ・Raising receiving EXP: Tep Nut, Tep Flower, Whitespotted Char, Cherry Trout, Ayu Fish, Catfish, Pet Food, High Salami, Flavored Fish
    ・Newly added items: Mevius 360 and above, 14 to 15 Stars of Rune Arms, 11 to 15 stars of Astra Arms
    Relaxing Upper Status Each Status upper limit will be relaxed from Character Level x20 to x30
    Shield will be treated as "Arms" from Weapon, when awakened Additional additions will be changed from raising damage to damage reduce effects
    We will be changing the HP when using Summoner type Skill "Fusion Summon."
    Before: HP becomes 100%
    After: HP rate transferred when time used
    Ex) HP amount left 50%, when using Skill→HP becomes 50% after using
    Changes in ZENITH CLASH It is changed from "Ruins" from "Volcano"
    We will be changing the left-over, Re-Success Book to Reskill Scroll, due to removing Skill Branch  
    We will be relaxing the upper cap of EXPs and JEXPs that you can retrieve at once  
    The following items will be removed, and will be exchanged to Gold Kodora Statue
    Fire Anima
    Water Anima
    Wind Anima
    Earth Anima
    Light Anima
    Dark Anima
    ORBs of each elements that were produced by using the Animas on left, will be taken apart and will be able to retrieve at rate.
    ∟Fire Bowl, Water Bowl, Wind Bowl, Earth Bowl, Light Bowl, Dark Bowl, None Bowl
    None Element Resistance will be added ■"None Element" will be added to Astra Armor
    ∟You can get from Shop and Astra Boxes
    ■We will be adding Anti-None ORB Ⅰ to Ⅲ
    ∟You can get at a certain rate from Synth - ORB → Creating ORB
    ■None Resistance is added to Element Case, and able to crystalize above Astra Armor.
    *By embedding the ORB with the same element resistance with Astra Arms, part of the Element Resistance effect will be added.
    We have adjusted the skills  
        Opening Events

    Completed Details
    Main Tower Rush ~JST:2020/6/24 13:59
    Wedding Quick&Wedding Quick Ultimate ~JST:2020/6/24 13:59
    Guild Snowland Rush&Guild Snowland Ultra Rush ~JST:2020/6/24 13:59
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    定期維護已於 6/24 16:00結束

    商店更新情報 詳情
    ∟2020/6/24 维护后~
    版本更新情報 詳情
    變更寵物與寵物盒的效果 ■撤銷寵物的特殊、特攻、抗性效果,變更為提升狀態數值
    伴隨寵物盒設定變更,對寵物實施各種調整 ■提升部分宠物的稀有度
    提升状态数值上限 各状态数值上限值从角色等级×20变更为角色等级×30
    盾觉醒时类别从武器变更为「防具」 追加赋予从伤害增加变更为伤害减少效果
    变更苍穹争霸 从「遗迹」变更为「火山」
    追加无属性抗性 ■新星防具追加「无属性」

    修正完畢 詳情
    中心塔火拼 ~GMT:2020/6/24 4:59
    婚礼快战&婚礼快战极 ~GMT:2020/6/24 4:59
    公会雪山火拼&公会雪山超级火拼 ~GMT:2020/6/24 4:59

    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上