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    Item Discount sale!
    Thank you for playing Avabel Online.

    We want to thank you fellow players for your support, so the following item will be on sale for 50% off!

    We would like to be thankful to the player friend for your support.
    Therefore, probably, the following item is OFF on 50% or more of sale!

    [Discount sale item]
    Support Book 55 : Restrictions: Under Lv.55 only\nRaises 30% of acquired EXP for 3 hours\nCannot use over Lv.56
    Extra Support Book 55 : Restrictions: Under Lv.55 only\nRaises 50% of acquired EXP for 3 hours\nCannot use over Lv.56

    [Discount sale price]
    Support Book 55 : Gem5 ⇒ Gem2
    Extra Support Book 55 : Gem8 ⇒ Gem4

    [Discount sale Period]
    2013/10/18 (Fri.) from -- up to 10/31 (Thu.)

    Do not miss this chance!

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team