เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    12/2:版本更新情報/Update Information
    Regular maintenance ended on 12/2 14:02
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    We have updated to details below from maintenance on 12/2
    We will conduct Regular maintenance for the below dates.

    Conducting date
    JST:2020/12/2 14:00

    *Please note that you will not be able to login to the game during maintenance.
    *Please note in advance there may round time.
    *We will inform you with more details regarding completing the maintenance.

    Correspondence Details
    Update Information Details
    We will be adjusting the details of achievements and categories  
    We will be changing some of the login bonus  
    In official PvP and GvG, when the point is negative after a match, it will be counted as 0 points  
    We will be adding the conditions to participate for official PvP, GvG [official PvP]
    Adding Battle-P
    [official GvG]
    Adding player level and Battle-P
    We will be changing the process to receive ranking rewards for Technical Battle We will be changing to the highest ranked character within the account to receive it
    When using auto, the battle style will be changed to the same movements as "Free" regardless of the Config setting. When you have set "Assist" at Config, it will automatically be back to "Assist" when removing auto.
    We will be removing the upper limit for Battle Power when recruiting for Party  
    We will be adjusting the NPC products ■Adding 5 stars of Mevius Arms
    ■Removing 11 to 14 stars of Evo Liquid
    ■Changing the following item's price
    ・Evo liquid 15
    ・Slot Release 400
    ・ORB Remover 400
    ・Rift Stone 400
    "Sharp Crystal Pieces" and "Hard Crystal Pieces" will be converted to "Sharp Crystals" and "Hard Crystals"  
    Opening Events Details
    2x Arms Evolution Success Rate Campaign Period :JST 2020/12/2 after maintenance ~2020/12/9 13:59
    Added limited-time Daily Achievements Period :JST 2020/12/2 after maintenance ~2020/12/9 13:59
      Opening Events

    Issues to be fixed Details
    Unable to report the quest cleared for quest "2F Wibos Monster Defeat"  
    Completed Details
    Main Tower Rush ~JST:2020/12/2 13:59
    Half-off Campaign for evolving Mevius Arms ~JST:2020/12/2 13:59
    We will be holding a Black Friday Sale for NPC products ~JST:2020/12/2 13:59
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    定期維護已於 12/2 14:02結束

    追加官方PvP、官方GvG的参战条件 [官方PvP]
    变更:技巧对战的排行榜报酬的领取方式 仅限帐号内排行最高的角色可领取报酬
    当玩家使用自动模式时,战斗方式将无视环境设置,自动变为「自由」 若玩家的环境设置中战斗方式设定为「支援」,则会在自动模式解除后,自动变回「支援」
    调整NPC贩卖物品 ■新增莫比乌斯武具★5
    開辦活動情報 詳情
    武具进化成功率2倍活动 举办期间:JST 2020/12/2 维护后~2020/12/9 13:59
    追加期间限定每日成就 举办期间:JST 2020/12/2 维护后~2020/12/9 13:59

    應對異常現象 詳情
    任务「2F 维布斯 讨伐怪物」完成后无法回报  
    修正完畢 詳情
    中心塔火拼 ~JST:2020/12/2 13:59
    莫比乌斯武具进化费用减半活动 ~JST:2020/12/2 13:59
    NPC贩售商品举办黑色星期五优惠活动 ~JST:2020/12/2 13:59

    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上