(3/3 16:51 added)
We have added some changes to the event detail.
[Change Details]
・Changes in Collab Dungeon Guide
Changed to "[Collab Dungeon Guide]Aya" in the Visit Quest/Dungeon Reception Map
・Changed the name of Challenge Dungeon
Changed to "[Lim.Time]OneeChanbara Origin Collaboration Dungeon"
・Changed Furniture Exchange
Changed to "[Collab Furniture Exchange]Saki" in the Visit Quest/Dungeon Reception Map
Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
2021/2/24 After maintenance ~ 2021/3/17 Until the start of maintenance
・Accept the "[Lim.Time]OneeChanbara Origin Collaboration Dungeon" from "[Collab Dungeon Guide]Aya" in the Visit Quest/Dungeon Reception Map and challenge yourself to get the limited-time collab achievement "OneeChanbara Origin Collaboration"♪
By equipping collaboration skill ring, you can give massive damage towards the monsters in the [Lim.Time]OneeChanbara Origin Collaboration Dungeon
・Once you got tapestry exchange ticket, lets exchange it to a furniture by handing it over to "[Collab Furniture Exchange]Saki" in the Visit Quest/Dungeon Reception Map♪

・OneeChanbara Origin BOX
Aya Tapestry Exchange Ticket |
Saki Tapestry Exchange Ticket |
Lei Tapestry Exchange Ticket |
You can clear the limited-time collab achievement everyday, during the collaboration.
Let's get collab tapestry by clearing the achievement♪
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
(3/3 16:51追记)
变更:【期间限定】「美俏女剑士 起源」联动活动迷宫
感谢您一直以来对「艾瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持。
2021/2/24 维护后 ~ 2021/3/17 至维护开始为止
・从「任务迷宫申请处地图内」的「【联动迷宫案内人】彩」处,挑战[【期间限定】「美俏女剑士 起源」联动活动迷宫],达成期间限定联动成就「美俏女剑士 起源联动」♪
装备联动技能戒指,可给予[【期间限定】「美俏女剑士 起源」联动活动迷宫]的怪物特大伤害。

・「美俏女剑士 起源」BOX
彩缂织挂毯交换券 |
咲缂织挂毯交换券 |
丽缂织挂毯交换券 |
「艾瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队