เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    2/3:Notice for adjustments for skills/调整技能公告
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Details for Applicable①We will be adding "Basic Class' Passive," "Physical Knowledge" and "Magic Knowledge" for each Transcendent Classes. "Physical Knowledge" and "Magic Knowledge" are requirements for learning ATK and MATK.
    Additionally, due to addition of Skills, we will be raising the default skill points, and reset Skills for Transcendent Class on the 2/3 maintenance.
    *The used Skill Points will be returned when Skill is reset
    Warrior type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Saber Physical Knowledge addition of Skills
    Magic Knowledge addition of Skills
    Fundamentals of Warrior addition of Skills
    Rogue type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Abyss Physical Knowledge addition of Skills
    Magic Knowledge addition of Skills
    Fundamentals of Rogue addition of Skills
    Ranger type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Sagittarii Physical Knowledge addition of Skills
    Magic Knowledge addition of Skills
    Fundamentals of Ranger addition of Skills
    Creator type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Generator Physical Knowledge addition of Skills
    Magic Knowledge addition of Skills
    Fundamentals of Creator addition of Skills
    Magician type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Caster Physical Knowledge addition of Skills
    Magic Knowledge addition of Skills
    Fundamentals of Magician addition of Skills
    Acolyte type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Messiah Physical Knowledge addition of Skills
    Magic Knowledge addition of Skills
    Fundamentals of Acolyte addition of Skills
    Wanderer type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Odin Physical Knowledge addition of Skills
    Magic Knowledge addition of Skills
    Fundamentals of Wanderer addition of Skills
    Revenger type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Avenger Physical Knowledge addition of Skills
    Magic Knowledge addition of Skills
    Fundamentals of Revenger addition of Skills
    Summoner type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Nemesis Physical Knowledge addition of Skills
    Magic Knowledge addition of Skills
    Fundamentals of Summoner addition of Skills

    Details for Applicable②
    Rogue type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Abyss Dark Dagger Magic→Change to Physical dependent、Power Decrease
    Whirlwind Slash Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Katon Explosion Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Tree Spears Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Terror Hand Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Shadow Dancer Whirlwind Slash Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Katon Explosion Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Tree Spears Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Psycho Killer Terror Hand Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Assassin Dark Dagger Magic→Change to Physical dependent、Power Decrease
    Shinobi Whirlwind Slash Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Katon Explosion Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Tree Spears Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Clown Terror Hand Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Revenger type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Avenger Regengift Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Edge Blossom Magic→Change to Physical dependent、Power Decrease
    Lost Nightmare Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Infernal Shot Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Demon Wolf Magic→Change to Physical dependent、Power Decrease
    Bloody Wolf Magic→Change to Physical dependent、Power Decrease
    Flaming Circle Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Nosferatu Edge Blossom Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Demon Wolf Magic→Change to Physical dependent、Power Decrease
    Bloody Wolf Magic→Change to Physical dependent、Power Decrease
    Flaming Circle Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Puppet Lost Nightmare Magic→Change to Physical dependent
    Blood Seeker Edge Blossom Magic→Change to Physical dependent、Power Decrease
    Revenger Regengift Magic→Change to Physical dependent

    Details for Applicable③
    Transcendent Class
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Transcendent Class All active skills except recovery Lv1:Power Decrease
    Lv3:Power Increase

    There will be adjustments in the future to make the process lighter and for balancing. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔战纪 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持

    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    骁勇剑士 物理的心得 追加技能
    魔法的心得 追加技能
    勇士的心得 追加技能
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    深渊杀手 物理的心得 追加技能
    魔法的心得 追加技能
    盗贼的心得 追加技能
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    穿杨射手 物理的心得 追加技能
    魔法的心得 追加技能
    游侠的心得 追加技能
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    製造大亨 物理的心得 追加技能
    魔法的心得 追加技能
    创造者的心得 追加技能
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    大贤者 物理的心得 追加技能
    魔法的心得 追加技能
    魔法师的心得 追加技能
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    弥赛亚 物理的心得 追加技能
    魔法的心得 追加技能
    祭司的心得 追加技能
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    奥丁 物理的心得 追加技能
    魔法的心得 追加技能
    流浪者的心得 追加技能
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    复仇战士 物理的心得 追加技能
    魔法的心得 追加技能
    复仇者的心得 追加技能
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    涅墨西斯 物理的心得 追加技能
    魔法的心得 追加技能
    召唤师的心得 追加技能

    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    深渊杀手 七影剑 魔法→变更为物理依存、威力減
    镰鼬 魔法→变更为物理依存
    火遁爆尘 魔法→变更为物理依存
    树枪壁 魔法→变更为物理依存
    恐惧之手 魔法→变更为物理依存
    影舞者 镰鼬 魔法→变更为物理依存
    火遁爆尘 魔法→变更为物理依存
    树枪壁 魔法→变更为物理依存
    异狂杀手 恐惧之手 魔法→变更为物理依存
    刺客 七影剑 魔法→变更为物理依存、威力減
    忍者 镰鼬 魔法→变更为物理依存
    火遁爆尘 魔法→变更为物理依存
    树枪壁 魔法→变更为物理依存
    小丑 恐惧之手 魔法→变更为物理依存
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    复仇战士 异界洗礼 魔法→变更为物理依存
    剑影风暴 魔法→变更为物理依存、威力減
    噩梦终焉 魔法→变更为物理依存
    地狱射击 魔法→变更为物理依存
    魔狼 魔法→变更为物理依存、威力減
    血狼 魔法→变更为物理依存、威力減
    龙卷气旋 魔法→变更为物理依存
    诺斯血族 剑影风暴 魔法→变更为物理依存
    魔狼 魔法→变更为物理依存、威力減
    血狼 魔法→变更为物理依存、威力減
    龙卷气旋 魔法→变更为物理依存
    悬丝傀儡 噩梦终焉 魔法→变更为物理依存
    寻血者 剑影风暴 魔法→变更为物理依存、威力減
    复仇者 异界洗礼 魔法→变更为物理依存

    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    超越职 除恢复外的所有活跃技能 Lv1:威力減


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