เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    2/17:Notice for adjustments for skills/调整技能公告
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Details for Applicable
    Warrior type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Saber Shining Saber Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Aegis
    Blade Rush Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Aegis
    Impulse Slash Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Aegis
    Ranger type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Sagittarii Barrel Barrette Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Accelarator
    Gun Storm Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Accelarator
    Flame Gust Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Accelarator
    Compressed Thunder Shot Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Accelarator
    Spark Blast Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Accelarator
    Laser Shot Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Accelarator
    Tiger Eye Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Accelarator
    Creator type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Generator Acid Splash Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Lapidary
    Fire Bottle Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Lapidary
    Lost Brave Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Lapidary
    Spidy Web Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Metal Worker
    High Grav Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Metal Worker
    Tomahawk Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Metal Worker
    Cosmo Shaper Viking Rush Power Increase,HITs decrease
    Magician type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Caster Curse Cuse Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Warlock
    Fire Beat Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Annihilator
    Storm Mage Grand Fang Power Increase,HITs decrease
    Acolyte type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Messiah Shining Ray Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Redeemer
    Whirl Spin Kick Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Cardinal
    Redeemer Shining Ray Lv5:Power Increase,HITs decrease
    Wanderer type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Odin Flowing Lance Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Dragoon
    Live Moon HITs decrease
    Puppet Dome Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Elaim
    Falakal Ride Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Dragoon
    Force of Dragon Adjusting the number of HITs to the same as Dragoon
    Battle Dancer Live Moon Power Increase,HITs decrease
    High Lancer Live Moon Power Increase,HITs decrease

    There will be adjustments in the future to make the process lighter and for balancing. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔战纪 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持

    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    骁勇剑士 闪光之剑 調整為與埃癸斯相同的HIT數
    迅刀疾剑 調整為與埃癸斯相同的HIT數
    脉冲痛击 調整為與埃癸斯相同的HIT數
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    穿杨射手 轮转式巴雷特 調整為與快狙手相同的HIT數
    枪林弹雨 調整為與快狙手相同的HIT數
    烈焰疾风 調整為與快狙手相同的HIT數
    压缩雷弹 調整為與快狙手相同的HIT數
    闪光轰击 調整為與快狙手相同的HIT數
    迅雷光束 調整為與快狙手相同的HIT數
    虎突 調整為與快狙手相同的HIT數
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    製造大亨 硫酸喷击 調整為與晶石大师相同的HIT數
    烈焰瓶 調整為與晶石大师相同的HIT數
    丧失勇猛 調整為與晶石大师相同的HIT數
    蜘蛛网 調整為與金工专家相同的HIT數
    反重力 調整為與金工专家相同的HIT數
    飞斧 調整為與金工专家相同的HIT數
    宇宙雕塑家 维京扫射 威力増、HIT數減
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    大贤者 咒术球 調整為與法术士相同的HIT數
    火焰连击 調整為與毁灭王相同的HIT數
    暴風魔師 大地之牙 威力増、HIT數減
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    弥赛亚 闪耀光芒 調整為與救世主相同的HIT數
    旋流 調整為與枢机主教相同的HIT數
    救世主 闪耀光芒 Lv5:威力増、HIT數減
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    奥丁 流鸿枪 調整為與龙骑兵相同的HIT數
    月下漫舞 HIT数減
    魁儡围阵 調整為與神笔画师相同的HIT數
    红炎烈焰 調整為與龙骑兵相同的HIT數
    龙之力 調整為與龙骑兵相同的HIT數
    舞斗家 月下漫舞 威力増、HIT數減
    尖端枪兵 月下漫舞 威力増、HIT數減


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