เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    5/26:版本更新情報/Update Information
    Regular maintenance ended on 5/26 15:00
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    We have updated to details below from maintenance on 5/26
    We will conduct Regular maintenance for the below dates.

    Conducting date
    JST:2021/5/26 14:00~15:00

    *Please note that you will not be able to login to the game during maintenance.
    *Please note in advance there may round time.
    *We will inform you with more details regarding completing the maintenance.

    Correspondence Details
    Update Information Details
    Changes in ZENITH CLASH ZENITH CLASH will be changed from "Oriental" to "Wild"
    The value of level completion bonus will be adjusted to match the current game environment  
    Upward revision of 26-30 stars Mevius Weapon ATK and Armor HP  
    Effects will be added to the Transcendent Class “Physical Knowledge” and “Magic Knowledge” [Added effects]
    ■”Physical Knowledge”
    -STR increase, INT decrease
    ■”Magic Knowledge”
    -INT increase, STR decrease
    Changes to the participation conditions of leagues Min. level to participate in battle:401→501
    Min. Battle-P to participate in battle:60000→200000
    The damage limit of some Transcendent Class will be adjusted ■Saber:Physical damage limit increase
    ■Abyss:Physical damage limit increase
    ■Sagittarii:Physical damage limit increase
    ■Generator:Physical damage limit increase
    ■Messiah:Physical/Magic damage limit increase
    ■Odin:Physical damage limit increase
    ■Avenger:Physical damage limit increase
    Issues to be fixed Details
    Fixing an issue where the filter function is not properly functioning in the chat log screen *We have confirmed an issue for the latest app on 5/26, therefore, we will be postponing to 6/2. (5/26 Edit)
    Fixing an issue for the recovery type skills where the number of recovery is lower than intended under certain conditions  
    Fixing an issue in which the checkbox for “□Select Item” would be checked in “Evolve All” at times, even when “Evo Liquid” is not consumed *Due to the issue, the “Evo Liquid” will be displayed as consumed, but it will not be consumed when the “Evo Liquid” is not selected
    *We have confirmed an issue for the latest app on 5/26, therefore, we will be postponing to 6/2. (5/26 Edit)
    Fixing an issue for the "Saber" skill "Light/Dark Sword Dance", where the attack of the 2nd swing of the sword was not detected  
    Completed Details
    50%-off DP starts![Technical Battle] ~JST:2021/5/26 13:59
    Opening Events

    Opening Events Details
    Added limited-time Daily Achievements Period: JST to 2021/6/2 start of the maintenance
    Revere Monsters Defeat Achievement Period: JST 2021/5/12 after maintenance to 2021/6/2 start of the maintenance
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    定期維護已於 5/26 15:00結束

    版本更新情報 詳情
    苍穹争霸变更 苍穹争霸从「和风」变更为「荒野」
    追加超越职业「物理的心得」「魔法的心得」的效果 【追加的效果如下】
    变更联盟的参加条件 可参战的最低等级:401→501
    调整部分超越职业的伤害上限 ■骁勇剑士:提升物理伤害上限
    應對異常現象 詳情
    修正:聊天履历画面内有时过滤功能无效的异常现象 ※原定于5/26发布的新版本由于确认到异常现象,将延期至6/2发布(5/26 追记)
    修正:「一键进化」中,即使在不会消耗「进化结合液」的状态下,有时「□选择道具」选项却被勾选的异常现象 ※由于此异常现象,画面内虽显示会消耗「进化结合液」,但在未指定「进化结合液」的情况下不会消耗该道具。
    ※原定于5/26发布的新版本由于确认到异常现象,将延期至6/2发布(5/26 追记)
    修正完畢 詳情
    DP减半活动(技巧对战) ~GMT:2021/5/26 4:59

    開辦活動情報 詳情
    追加期间限定每日成就 举办期间:JST日本时间~2021/6/2 维护开始前
    里卫依鲁怪物讨伐任务 举办期间:JST日本时间 2021/5/12 维护后~2021/6/2 维护开始前

    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上