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    About the Auto Expansion Function/关于自动扩张功能
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.
      What is the Auto Expansion Function?It is a system that automatically changes the Shortcut page when using “Auto Quest” and “Auto Hunt”.
    When all the skills on the page you have opened has gone on CT, it will automatically move to the next page and use the skills on the next page.
    You will be able to use it if you are fully subscribed to the monthly course and use the “Auto Expansion Ticket”.

    【Image of the usage】
    When all the skills in each skill shortcut page are on CT, it will move from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5.

    Please try using the Auto Expansion function to further increase efficiency during Auto operation!
    *”Auto Expansion Ticket” can be purchased in the Shop

    Auto Expansion Function Details
    • It is a system that automatically changes the Shortcut page when using “Auto Quest” and “Auto Hunt”
    • You will be able to use it if you are fully subscribed to the monthly course and use the “Auto Expansion Ticket”
      *You cannot use the “Auto Expansion Ticket” if you are not fully subscribed to the monthly course
    • The Auto Expansion function will last for 8 hours when you use 1 “Auto Expansion Ticket”
      *You can check the remaining effect duration from “Options” → “Bonus Effect”
    • The effect and the effect duration of the Auto Expansion function will be shared between all the characters in your account
    • When the effect duration of the Auto Expansion function expires, it will return to the 1st page of the skill shortcut
    • When the effect duration of the Auto Expansion function expires, if you have an “Auto Expansion Ticket" in your bag, you can set it to be used automatically
      *Auto Use can be switched “ON/OFF" in the Config
    • If the full monthly course expires during the effective duration of the Auto Expansion function, the Auto Expansion function will be disabled as soon as you move fields
      However, please note that the effect duration of the Auto Expansion function will continue to decrease
    • Fields that cannot use the Auto Function will not be able to use the Auto Expansion Function as well, but please note that the effect duration of the Auto Expansion function will continue to decrease


    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team



    • 此功能在使用「自动任务」「自动狩猎」时,可设定技能捷径自动翻页。
    • 购买月费全套方案,并使用「自动扩张券」后,可使用此功能。
    • 使用1张「自动扩张券」,将获得8小时的自动扩张功能效果。
    • 帐号内的所有角色将共享自动扩张功能的效果以及持续时间。
    • 自动扩张功能的效果时间结束后,技能捷径将返回第1页。
    • 玩家可自行进行以下设定:当自动扩张功能的效果时间结束时,背包内若持有「自动扩张券」,可设定为自动消耗「自动扩张券」。
    • 如果在自动扩张功能效果的持续时间中,玩家的月费全套方案到期,则玩家会移动场地,同时无法再使用自动扩张功能。
    • 在无法使用自动功能的场地中,玩家无法使用自动扩张功能,但自动扩张功能的效果时间仍会继续减少,敬请留意。


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