เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    8/4:Notice for adjustments for skills/调整技能公告
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Details for Applicable
    Warrior type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Saber Saint Bind HITs increase、Adjustments to activating skills quicker、Decrease of total power、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Creator type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Generator Power Snatch HIT detection adjustment
    Weapon Rain HITs increase、HIT detection adjustment、Raised the power of Max Boost
    Magician type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Caster Eneblitz HITs increase
    Ice Spear Show effects adjustment
    Wind Thrust Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Mine Spark HITs increase
    Acolyte type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Messiah Sanctuary HITs increase、Adjustments to activating skills quicker、Decrease of total power、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Wanderer type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Odin Levia Claw HITs decrease
    Magical Sketch HIT detection adjustment、HIT interval adjustment
    Manantial HIT detection adjustment
    Asround Adjusting the direction of the tornado generated forward when activating a skill
    Sheeps Song HIT detection adjustment
    Minstrel Asround Adjusting the direction of the tornado generated forward when activating a skill
    Revenger type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Avenger Schneiden HIT detection adjustment
    Rapid Sheer HITs decrease、HIT detection adjustment、Raised the power of Max Boost
    Crawl Impact HITs decrease、Raised the power of Max Boost
    Edge Blossom Show effects adjustment
    Hell Flame Show effects adjustment
    Summoner type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Nemesis Splash Summon HIT detection adjustment 、Fixing an issue where the damage was not dealt properly
    Evil Influence HIT detection adjustment
    Tartarus Fixing an issue where the Lv4, Lv5 skills were not activating properly
    Giant of Death HIT detection adjustment、HITs increase、HIT detection adjustment、Raised the power of Max Boost
    Adrasteia HITs increase、HIT detection adjustment、Raised the power of Max Boost
    Summoner Splash Summon HIT detection adjustment 、Fixing an issue where the damage was not dealt properly

    There will be adjustments in the future to make the process lighter and for balancing. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔战纪 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持

    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    骁勇剑士 圣咒缚 HIT次数增加、调整加快技能发动速度、整体威力减少、减少限解突破伤害
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    製造大亨 空袭 HIT判定调整
    武器甘霖 HIT次数增加、総威力増加、限解突破威力增加
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    大贤者 电击雷球 HIT次数增加、総威力増加、限解突破威力增加
    突冰之矛 调整视觉特效
    风推力 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    雷电珠 HIT次数增加、総威力増加、限解突破威力增加
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    弥赛亚 设置圣地 HIT次数增加、调整加快技能发动速度、整体威力减少、减少限解突破伤害
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    奥丁 冰龙之爪 HIT次数減
    魔术素描 HIT判定调整、调整HIT的间隔
    清泉之力 HIT判定调整
    旋风圆舞曲 调整技能发动时前方龙卷风的前进方向
    催眠曲 HIT判定调整
    宫廷乐师 旋风圆舞曲 调整技能发动时前方龙卷风的前进方向
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    复仇战士 双斩突击 HIT判定调整
    迅疾乱流 HIT次数減、総威力増加、限解突破威力增加
    迅捷冲击 HIT次数減、限解突破威力增加
    剑影风暴 调整视觉特效
    地狱火焰 调整视觉特效
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    涅墨西斯 激流召唤 HIT判定调整 、修正有时会打不出伤害的异常问题
    邪恶传染 HIT判定调整
    渊底炼狱 修正技能Lv4.Lv5无法正常发动的问题
    死亡巨人 HIT判定调整、HIT次数增加、総威力増加、限解突破威力增加
    阿德剌斯忒亚 HIT次数增加、総威力増加、限解突破威力增加
    召唤师 激流召唤 HIT判定调整 、修正有时会打不出伤害的异常问题


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