เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    8/11:Notice for adjustments for skills/调整技能公告
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Details for Applicable
    Warrior type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Saber Vulcan Impact Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Pendulum Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Lance of Gale Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Rogue type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Abyss Dirgebringer Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Ranger type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Sagittarii Charge Shot Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Fall Burst Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Laser Shot Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Flame Throw Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Wide Flowers Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Blast Trigger Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Creator type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Generator Hammer Wave Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Shoulder Charge Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Gran Smasher Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Swing Roll Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Magician type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Caster Scud Soul Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Ice Storm Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Grand Fang Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Acolyte type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Messiah Knuckle Release Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Gale Attack Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Terra Blast Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Dragon Demolish Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Wanderer type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Odin Charge Fencer Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Levia Claw Decrease of total power、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Revenger type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Avenger Regengift Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Mad Blow Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Summoner type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Nemesis Poison Summon Show effects adjustment、HIT detection adjustment
    Ice wave Charging of the skills have been removed and skills are now immediately activated at the same time as after the maximum charge
    Punish Stone Increase in total power

    There will be adjustments in the future to make the process lighter and for balancing. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔战纪 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持

    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    骁勇剑士 武尔坎努斯之剑 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    摆盪扫斩 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    疾风巨矛 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    深渊杀手 輓歌袭来 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    穿杨射手 蓄力射击 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    爆弹投掷 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    迅雷光束 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    火炎放射 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    催眠花 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    爆裂炸弹 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    製造大亨 破坏冲击 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    肩体冲撞 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    撼地波 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    迴旋进击 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    大贤者 精神射击 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    冰雪冻天 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    大地之牙 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    弥赛亚 豪功掌 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    烈风瞬撃 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    超斗击波 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    龙坠掌破 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    奥丁 蓄力怒发 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    冰龙之爪 整体威力减少、减少限解突破伤害
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    复仇战士 异界洗礼 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    狂气一击 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    职业 技能名称 应对内容
    涅墨西斯 剧毒召唤 调整视觉特效、HIT判定调整
    冰气波 取消技能蓄力,将调整为以最大蓄力後同等技能即刻发动
    惩罚乱石 整体威力提升


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