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    9/1:Notice for adjustments for skills/调整技能公告
    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Details for Applicable①Since Odin's total status is higher than other classes due to his passive skills, some skills will be removed for balance adjustment.
    We will also make adjustments to Abyss, given that it had one more high powered skill than any other class.
    Rogue type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Abyss Full Break Power decrease 、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Wanderer type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Odin Secret of HP Remove skill
    Crushing Blow Remove skill
    Secret of SP Remove skill
    Details for Applicable②
    Summoner type
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    Nemesis Slash Changing so that summons do not disappear after skills are activated、Power decrease 、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Celestial Light Changing so that summons do not disappear after skills are activated、Power decrease 、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Spiral Thorn Changing so that summons do not disappear after skills are activated、Power decrease 、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Ice Tornado Changing so that summons do not disappear after skills are activated、Power decrease 、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Titano Machia Changing so that summons do not disappear after skills are activated、Power decrease 、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Tartarus Changing so that summons do not disappear after skills are activated、Power decrease 、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Gush Gale Changing so that summons do not disappear after skills are activated、Power decrease 、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction
    Apocalypse Changing so that summons do not disappear after skills are activated、Power decrease 、Max Boost Breakthrough damage reduction

    There will be adjustments in the future to make the process lighter and for balancing. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔战纪 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持

    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    深渊杀手 全面破坏 威力減 、减少限解突破伤害
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    奥丁 体力的极意 删去技能
    会心一击 删去技能
    精神力的极意 删去技能
    Class Skill Name Details for Applicable
    涅墨西斯 剑光一闪 技能发送后,召唤兽将不会消失、威力減 、减少限解突破伤害
    天上之光 技能发送后,召唤兽将不会消失、威力減 、减少限解突破伤害
    螺旋荆棘 技能发送后,召唤兽将不会消失、威力減 、减少限解突破伤害
    冰霜飓风 技能发送后,召唤兽将不会消失、威力減 、减少限解突破伤害
    泰坦之战 技能发送后,召唤兽将不会消失、威力減 、减少限解突破伤害
    渊底炼狱 技能发送后,召唤兽将不会消失、威力減 、减少限解突破伤害
    疾风剑雨 技能发送后,召唤兽将不会消失、威力減 、减少限解突破伤害
    终焉默示录 技能发送后,召唤兽将不会消失、威力減 、减少限解突破伤害


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