เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」



    (2/10/17:05)1/26:版本更新情報/Update Information
    Under the "Adjustment of the Private Ultra Rush system" point of our update information,
    the amount of EXP obtained when clearing indicated "100 Billion EXP" when the correct amount is "10 Billion EXP".
    We apologize for any confusion caused at this time.
    Regular maintenance ended on 1/26 14:05
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    We have updated to details below from maintenance on 1/26

    Conducting date
    JST:2022/1/26 14:00

    *Please note that you will not be able to login to the game during maintenance.
    *Please note in advance there may round time.
    *We will inform you with more details regarding completing the maintenance.

    Correspondence Details
    Update Information Details
    Review of the evolution success rate of Mevius series equipment The evolution success rate of Mevius series equipment will be adjusted upward.
    Adjustment of the Private Ultra Rush system The course will be changed from Multi to Guild. Consequently, the amount of people who can join will be bumped from 6 to 50. The amount of EXP gained when you clear will be changed to 10 Billion EXP. DP Water2500+ will only be consumed from the room creator. The amount of DP consumed will be changed from 10 to 200.
    Raised the level cap The level cap will be lifted from 700 to 750. Additionally, Level Up achievements will be added up to Lv750.
    Adjustment to the window size when starting up for the first time on the Windows edition The game window size will be changed from full screen when starting up for the first time on Windows. *To change the size of the game window to full screen, go to Options> Config> System and check the box for ""Full screen"".
    Adjustments to the ZENITH CLASH The ZENITH CLASH will be changed from "Remains" to "Volcano".
    Opening Events Details
    Revere Monsters Defeat Achievement(Inferno Arm King) Period: JST 2021/12/27 after maintenance ~
      Opening Events

    Completed Details
    8.5th Anniversary Boss Rush ~2022/1/26/13:59
    GO!GO!GOLDRUSH!2022 ~2022/1/26/13:59
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    定期維護已於 1/26 14:05結束


    JST:2022/1/26 14:00


    版本更新情報 詳情
    调整莫比乌斯系列装备的进化成功率 上调莫比乌斯系列装备的进化成功率。
    调整私人超级火拼系统 将「多人」模式变更为「公会」。 同时可参加人数将从「6人」变更为「50人」。 通关时获得经验值变更为「100亿Exp」。 变更为「仅创建房间者」消耗「迷宫动水2500」。 消耗DP从「10」变更为「200」。
    开放等级上限 等级上限从「700」开放至「750」。 同时追加Lv750为止的达成等级成就。
    变更Windows版首次启动时窗口大小 Windows版首次启动时的游戏窗口大小变更为全屏。 ※若需变更为全屏,可在「选项>配置>系统」中勾选「全屏」项目。
    变更苍穹争霸 苍穹争霸从「遗迹」变更为「火山」。
    開辦活動情報 詳情
    里卫依鲁怪物讨伐任务(烈腕王) 举办期间:JST日本时间 2021/12/27 维护后~

    修正完畢 詳情
    8.5周年BOSS火拼 ~2022/1/26/13:59
    GO!GO!GOLDRUSH!2022 ~2022/1/26/13:59

    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上