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    (2/22/15:00)2/21:版本更新情報/Update Information
    The following was left out of the previous bug information, so it has been added here.
    Information and repairs Details
    Fixing the attack speed up correction reflected in some multi-hit type skills The attack speed up effect due to ORBs, and others, was being counted at a higher rate than was originally intended, so we have corrected the issue.
    Adjustments to the Crystal Ape The Crystal Ape's behavior was different than intended, so it has been fixed.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding at this time.
    Regular maintenance ended on 2/21 14:05
    Thank you for your cooperation.
    We have updated to details below from maintenance on 2/21
    We will conduct Regular maintenance for the below dates.

    Conducting date
    JST:2022/2/21 14:00~14:05

    *Please note that you will not be able to login to the game during maintenance.
    *Please note in advance there may round time.
    *We will inform you with more details regarding completing the maintenance.

    Correspondence Details
    Update Information Details
    New EX Skills for Transcendent Class!! We are adding two new EX Skills to the Transcendent Class.
    Changes to the Nemesis EX Skill "Adrasteia" Monsters summoned, effect and element will be changed.
    Visualization of quest progress ""1. Quests that you have already fulfilled the clear requirements for will be marked when you accept a quest. 2. Quests that are in progress will now show your percentage of progression. *If no progress has been made, the percentage will be omitted.""
    Adjustments to DP recovery selection ""1. You will now be able to indicate the number of items to use when using DP recovery items from your bag. 2. When you do not have enough DP, the recovery screen will show that you have selected one item. 3. Improvement of behavior when using the transfer NPC with insufficient DP (Fixed an issue with progression and added a function to recover DP on the spot)""
    Visualization of progress for defeat-based Achievements ""1. Defeat Achievements that are in progress will now show your percentage of progression. *If no progress has been made, the percentage will be omitted.""
    Preview display when editing Emotion shortcuts You will now be able to see a preview of the Emotions while editing your shortcuts.
    Raised the level cap The level cap will be lifted from 750 to 800. Additionally, Level Up achievements will be added up to Lv800.
    Changes in ZENITH CLASH The ZENITH CLASH will be changed from "Volcano" to "Seabed".
    Opening Events Details
    Uninvited Guest Availability period: 2/16/2022 after maintenance - 3/2/2022 at 13:59 JST/GMT+9
    Extremely Fast! Special Grouth Support Campaign Availability period: 2/21/2022 after maintenance - 3/2/2022 at 13:59 JST/GMT+9
    Limited time only Achievement for defeating the Revere monster (Chocoriot Bitter) Availability period: 2/2/2022 after maintenance - 3/2/2022 at 13:59 JST/GMT+9
     Opening Events

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    异常问题修正情报 详情
    修正:部分「多次命中」类型技能攻击速度提升补正 由於在使用魂晶等提升攻击速度时,补正的速度超过原设定,现已修正为正常的补正效果。
    水晶艾普修正 修正了水晶艾普动作异常的问题。

    定期維護已於 2/21 14:05結束

    版本更新情報 詳情
    超越职业的新EX技能登场!! 超越职业追加2个新EX技能。
    涅墨西斯的EX技能「阿德剌斯忒亚」变更 ""1.承接任务时,已满足条件的任务将会显示标志。 2.正在进行的任务将显示进度。 ※进度为零时,进度显示将会省略。""
    任务进行状况可视化 ""1.承接任务时,已满足条件的任务将会显示标志。 2.正在进行的任务将显示进度。 ※进度为零时,进度显示将会省略。""
    DP回复药选择时变更 ""1.使用背包内的DP回复道具时,将可以指定使用个数。 2.DP不足时的回复画面中,将变为已选择1个对象道具的状态。 3.改善使用传送NPC且DP不足时的动作(修正无法推进的异常问题,并追加当场回复DP功能)""
    讨伐类成就的进度状况可视化 ""1.有进度的讨伐成就将显示进度。 ※进度为零时,进度显示将会省略。""
    情绪动作的捷径编辑中将显示预览 捷径编辑中将显示情绪动作的预览。
    开放等级上限 等级上限从「750」开放至「800」。 同时追加Lv800为止的达成等级成就。
    变更苍穹争霸 苍穹争霸从「火山」变更为「海底」。
    開辦活動情報 詳情
    不速之客 举办期间:2022/2/16 维护后~2022/3/2 13:59(UTC+9)
    神速!生长支援特别活动 举办期间:2022/2/21 维护后~2022/3/2/ 13:59(UTC+9)
    里卫依鲁怪物讨伐期间限定成就(苦黑巧克里欧特) 举办期间:2022/2/2 ~


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