เกมส์อาร์พีจี สมาร์ทโฟนกราฟฟิกสูง 「AVABEL ONLINE」

Penalty Policy

If ASOBIMO,Inc. (“ASOBIMO”) finds violation of prohibited acts in "AVABEL ONLINE" (“APPLICATION”, “SERVICE”) Terms of Use, the following penalty will be applied.
*Please check the following for details of penalties.

Penalty Level

In the game, there are 7 levels of penalty and the penalty level will rise with repeated violation acts.
The level of penalty will differ according to the content of the violation act, and penalties different from below maybe applied. We are not responsible for disclosing the reasons of the applied penalty.
Once applied, there will be no cancels to penalties or lowering of the penalty levels. If you have a penalty record, you may not be admitted to receive some services and offers.
In principle, penalties are applied without prior notice, but there may be a warning sent via in-game mail beforehand.
Penalties will be applied to each account, not to each character. Even if the character is not the character that has taken violation acts, penalty levels will accumulate and will raise the penalties applied to the characters in the same account.
Level Chat Restriction Trade Restriction Login Restriction
1 24 hours    
2 72 hours    
3 120 hours    
4 168 hours 168 hours  
5 720 hours Permanent  
6 Permanent Permanent  
7 Permanent Permanent Permanent
*Chat Restriction and Trade Restriction also restricts related functions.
*There will be no support provided for issues resulting from user’s negligence.

The Roles of the GM

GM is an abbreviation for Game Master. The person with the GM degree will take the role for the proper operation of the SERVICE. When the GM takes acts in the game, the character operated by the GM will be distinguished from other players with the name shown in yellow letters and with “GM” included in their names.

Bug Information Recipient

The GM will check the reported bug information and will inform it to the development team. The players inside the game are responsible to inform ASOBIMO when there is a bug. If you do not inform, the GM and the operation team cannot be responsible for any losses or disadvantages. Please report bugs from Contact Form available in the application or on the official website.

Cautions Given Inside the Game

The GM will basically not engage in the acts of the users in the game, but if there is a necessity to engage, the GM is allowed to give cautions and requests against any movement or acts. If you do not accept the request, the GM can apply penalties.
The Handling of Matters Not Written in the Penalties Policy
For solving and handling of matters not listed in the Penalties Policy, the operation team will decide from the Terms of Use, law, and common sense with fairness and equity.

Matters the GM Will Not Handle

1.The GM will not engage in troubles among users that arise within or outside of the game.
2.The GM will not give any kind of benefit to a particular user.
3.The GM will never ask for personal information such as account information within the game, under any circumstances.

Penalty Applies

After the facts are confirmed, penalties will be applied for violation of prohibited acts including acts from the past.


The following maybe added to all of the penalties depending on the violation.

- Change to character name
- Initialize of character data
- Change to character data
- Forfeiture of owned items
- Forfeiture of virtual currencies

Applied Examples

Here are some examples of how a penalty can be applied.
However, higher penalties may be applied if the operation team finds the act to be malicious.
▼Inappropriate Statements
Statements that are generally acknowledged as inappropriate such as “abusive language”, “slandering”, “sexual or racial discrimination, discriminating disabilities”, “violating public order and morality”, etc.
*If such statements are judged to be within the level of mild conflicts among users, in principle, ASOBIMO will not engage those troubles.
[Response] Level 1 and above applied
In case two parties are both using abusive language and slandering each other, penalty level 1 could be applied to both parties.

Harassment acts toward certain user such as stalking, interfering third party’s game progress, or acts that inflict emotional distress.
[Response] Level 1 and above applied

Repeating meaningless statements, making excessive amount of statements, etc., to interfere with other users’ conversation.
*Does not include if casual conversations are going on.
[Response] Level 1 and above applied

▼Malicious Reporting
Sending admittedly excessive number of reports, reporting fabricated information, or reporting information not related to the game.
[Response] Level 1 and above applied.
▼Inappropriate Character Names
Playing with character names that include words ASOBIMO finds to be inappropriate, such as words related to sexual or racial discrimination, discriminating disabilities, and words that violate public order and morality. Actual names of people that were part of famous incidents and crimes such as terrorists and criminals are also not allowed.
Character names that can be mistaken to the GM, operators, and developers are all prohibited.
*Even if the words are partially hidden, if the meaning makes sense, it is restricted.
User will be requested to delete the applied character by their own hands. If not deleted for a fixed period, penalty level 1 and above will be applied, and the character’s name will be changed to numbers, which is the last 7 digit of the Character ID.
Pretending to be a third party and using abusive language or behaviors to lower one’s honor.
[Response] Level 2 and above applied.
▼Acts Using Bugs
Whether consciously or not, improperly gaining experience, virtual items and currencies through program bugs and failures. This will include spreading out statements that encourage others to act fraudulently as well.
*If you find something that appears to be a bug or failure, please stop the usage of the feature, and please report immediately via the Contact Form. [Response] Level 3 and above applied.
Any advantages gained by utilizing the bug or failure could be forfeited.
▼Trading Different Currencies and Items
Trading virtual items and currencies from APPLICATION with items and currencies from other online games, or goods and personal information.
*Statements that encourage trading different currencies and items are also included.
[Response] Level 4 and above applied.
Virtual items and currencies gained through this act could be forfeited.

▼Real Money Trading (RMT)
Buying or selling virtual items or currencies for actual real world money.
*Statements that encourage real money trading are also included.
[Response] Level 4 and above applied.
Virtual items and currencies gained through RMT could be forfeited.
▼Transferring Accounts to Others
Transferring "APPLICATION" game account in exchange for virtual items and virtual currencies of "APPLICATION" or other online games.
Transferring "APPLICATION" game account in exchange for goods, money, personal information, or other information.
Transferring "APPLICATION" game account to others regardless of paid or for free of charge.
*Statements that encourage account transfers are also included.
*Transferring user’s account to their family member or friends are also included.
[Response] Level 4 and above
▼Sharing Accounts
Sharing same account among multiple users, or allowing third party to use own data. Sharing among family members and friends are also included.
*Penalty is applied even if user’s data is used by third parties against the user's will. Please manage your account carefully.
[Response] Level 4 and above applied.
Improperly gaining virtual items and currencies by deceiving others by intentionally modifying details from prior consent in the trade or other similar functions.
[Response] Level 4 and above applied.
Virtual items and currencies gained by fraud will be forfeited.
*Items and virtual currencies lost by fraud may not be returned to the original owner, under certain circumstances. Please protect yourself from such frauds.

▼Use of Malicious Programs
Using external program that ASOBIMO does not permit, to falsify data or cause the game to behave in unintended manner.
*Statements that encourage development, distribution, and use of malicious program are also included.
[Response] Level 5 and above applied.
The advantages gained by use of malicious program are forfeited.
*The item considered to be created fraudulently could be forfeited, even after being transited to third parties.

Using programs or tools that will operate the character while the player being absent.
If the act above is confirmed, or is found to be a threat by the operation team, there will be a response according to the rules in the Terms of Use and Penalties Policy.
[Response] Level 5 and above applied.
All virtual items, virtual currencies, and trade functions could be permanently forfeited.

▼Operation Interference
Pretending to be ASOBIMO's employee or support member, such as a person related to the operation team or the GM. Acts and statements that intentionally disturb in-game event progress.
Ignoring the instructions from the operation team or the GM.
[Response] Level 5 and above applied.

▼Acts That Can Lead to Criminal Cases
Any statements or acts that can lead to murder, suicide, or terrorism.
[Response] Level 7 applied.
Usage of the APPLICATION is suspended immediately and will be informed to the police.

▼Interference to ASOBIMO's Business
Acts that are threat, or interference to ASOBIMO's business.
[Response] Level 7 applied.
Usage of the APPLICATION is suspended immediately and will be informed to the police.

For any other acts that ASOBIMO finds inappropriate, there will be a response in accordance with the rules in the Terms of Use.
Any suspicious acts could be subject to temporal restriction to the game functions. The content of the Penalties Policy can be revised without any notice.

Last updated 6/29/2012
Last revised 12/13/2013
Last revised 2/24/2014
Last revised 1/19/2016
Last revised 2/7/2019