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    2/26 Notice for update /2月26日 版本更新详情

    Thank you for playing AVABEL ONLINE.

    Here are the details for updated details for 2020/2/26 maintenance and app version update.
    Updated Details
    Integration of Bases Three bases are integrated and the base will be renewed.
    ・All the characters in "Astoria" and "Nocturall" will all be changed to "Revere."
    ・The character logged out from above bases will be changed to "Revere."
    ・Portals to above bases will be removed.
    Added "Second Enlightened Awaken Class" The second Enlightened Awaken Class will be added.
    Adding Synthesize the Advanced Class EX Skill Rings
    As you synth 10 stars of Advanced Class' EX Skill Ring, you can create a new ring that can use both Lv10 skills of the original, material ring.
    ・In order to synth, you will need 2 types of Advanced Class EX Skill Ring and Crescent Ring, and Evolution Gangues.
    └Necessary material, 10 stars of Crescent Ring will be added as well.
    ・You cannot synth, unless both are 10 stars.
    ・Star becomes 1 when it is synthed.
    Added Guild Integration function You'll be now able to integrate the Guilds to be one.
    Reviewing the status related with HP/SP Due to the adjustment of the balance, the specifications for HP and SP will also be adjusted.
    ・Due to the above, the effects of each passive skills related with HP and SP will also be adjusted.
    Resetting Character Status Due to the adjustment above, the character status will be reset.
    Fixing upper cap for some attack skills, due to fixing of EX Rings. ・Advance Class, Awaken Class: EX Skill
    ・Enlightened Awaken Class: Attack Skills
    Other updates
    Updated Details
    Importing level limit for group chat You can create group chat from level 100 and above.
    Deleting Unlocking base quest Due to the base integration, some related quests will be deleted.
    Improving each menu display We will be improving each menu screen.
    Adding battle training quests with Trainer Benan. We will be adding quests where you can train with NPC Trainer Benan from the tutorials.
    Adding achievements with giveaways of days after starting the game We also have added the achievements of getting giveaways for certain days after starting (registering) the game.
    Fixed the power of EX Skill Rings We will be fixing the below skills including the 3 that had lower skill effects than 5 stars before.
    ・Battle Dancer: 6 to 10 stars of Tornado Steps
    ・Black Smith: 6 stars of Forging
    ・Vampire: 6 to 10 stars of Arouse Eternity
    ・Deesse De La Mer Lv1
    ・6 to 10 stars of Tyrant
    ・6 to 10 stars of Abyssabre
    ・6 to 10 stars of Raijin
    ・10 stars of Fell Break
    ・6 to 10 stars of Arcadia
    Changes for number of channels The number of channels will be from 20 to 10.
    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team

    感谢您一直以来对「阿瓦贝尔圣境~AVABEL ONLINE~」的支持

    更新 详情
    统合据点 统合翻新3个据点为新据点
    实装『第2神觉醒职业』 实装第2神觉醒职业
    └ 同时追加必要素材的三日月指环★10。
    追加公会统合功能 今后可将不同公会统合至1个公会。
    重新调整HP/SP相关状态数值 为调整游戏平衡,将调整与HP/SP规格
    ・ 同时调整与HP/SP相关的各种被动技能效果。
    重置角色的状态数值 伴随上述调整,角色的状态数值将被重置。
    修正EX戒指的同时,增强部分攻击技能 ・高阶职业、觉醒职业:EX技能
    更新 详情
    群聊时新增等级限制 仅限等级100以上才能创建群聊
    删除据点解放任务 据点统合后,将删除部分相关任务
    修改各种菜单画面 对各种菜单画面进行修改
    追加贝南教官的战斗训练任务 追加:在新手教程中登场的NPC贝南教官的战斗训练任务
    追加:开始游戏经过一定天数后,可获得礼物的成就 追加:开始游戏(入会)后经过3天、5天等特定天数后,可获得礼物的成就
    修正EX技能戒指的威力 修正以下技能(包括以前技能效果低于★5的3个技能)。
    ・ 舞斗家:飓风舞步★6-10
    ・ 铁匠:钢铁炼成★6
    ・ 吸血鬼:永恆之箭★6-10
    ・ 海之女神Lv1
    ・ 暴戾重击★6~10
    ・ 深渊剑灵★6~10
    ・ 雷刃★6~10
    ・ 千刃斩戒指★10
    ・ 圣洁领域★6~10
    变更据点的频道数量 据点频道数量从20变为10
    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上
    AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team
    「阿瓦贝尔圣境 ~AVABEL ONLINE~」营运团队 敬上